General Education
General Education
The mission of Harford Community College's General Education program is to foster the students' development of the core competencies, attitudes, and values necessary to pursue lifelong learning. This foundation is integrated into all the degree programs and academic support areas at HCC. Upon completion of the General Education core requirements, students will possess the skills to acquire and apply knowledge across broad areas of study. In addition, they will be able to demonstrate the skills basic to acquiring knowledge in the behavioral/social sciences, English composition, arts/humanities, mathematics, biological/physical sciences, and interdisciplinary and emerging issues.
Upon completion of the general education core requirements, students will be able to:
A. Communicate effectively.
B. Read with comprehension at the college level.
C. Solve complex problems by using abstract and critical thinking.
D. Apply the scientific method.
E. Interpret numerical data.
F. Determine information needs and strategically search for, critically evaluate, and ethically use information sources.
G. Illustrate the value of global and/or cultural diversity.
H. Identify and evaluate the nature and value of the fine, visual and/or performing arts.
General Education Transcript Notations
Courses meeting Harford Community College General Education requirements are automatically noted on the HCC student transcript.
General Education Requirements
General Education Requirements Completed at Other Institutions
The College recognizes General Education discipline requirements completed at other institutions as equivalent to comparable General Education discipline requirements at Harford Community College. Courses that fulfill English, arts/ humanities, mathematics, science (including laboratory science), behavioral and social science, and interdisciplinary and emerging issues core requirements at the sending institution may be used to satisfy General Education requirements at Harford Community College, the receiving institution, so that there is no loss of credit in transfer.
In this catalog, see the Maryland Higher Education Commission Student Transfer Policies for the procedure to complete general education requirements at other institutions after enrolling at Harford Community College.
General Education Course Codes
The following codes are used to identify courses that satisfy the General Education Degree Requirements:
GB - Behavioral/Social Science
GE - English Composition
GAH - Arts/Humanities
GI - Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues
GL - Biological/Physical Laboratory Science
GM - Mathematics
GS - Biological/Physical Science
Only courses identified by the General Education course codes will satisfy the General Education requirements. See the General Education Approved Course List for designated general education courses at Harford Community College.
General Education AA, AS, and AAT Degree Requirements
All students must meet specific General Education requirements within their Associate degree programs. To be eligible for the Associate of Arts (AA) degree, the Associate of Science (AS) degree, or the Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) degree, students must complete a minimum of 60 credits of college-level work. Of the 60 credits, 28-36 credits must fulfill the College's General Education core requirements. The approved General Education courses appear on the following pages. The distribution of the 28-36 General Education credits must meet the following specifications and may be further prescribed within particular degree programs:
Code | Title | Credits |
GAH | Arts/Humanities | |
Students must complete two courses in Arts/Humanities. | 6 | |
GB | Behavioral/Social Science | |
Students must complete two courses in Behavioral/Social Science. | 6 | |
GL & GS | Biological/Physical Laboratory Science | |
Students must complete one of the following: | 7-8 | |
one 4-credit science laboratory course (GL) and one 3-credit science course (GS). | ||
two 4-credit science lab courses (GL) that meet the additional requirements specified by their particular program of study. | ||
GE | English Composition | |
Students must complete this within the first 24 credit hours of study with a final grade of C- or better. | 3 | |
GM | Mathematics | |
Students must complete one 3-4 credit mathematics course that meets the additional requirements specified by their particular program of study. | 3-4 | |
General Education Electives | ||
Students may choose, according to the requirements specified by their particular program of study, any course(s) from GB, GH, GI, GM or GS on the approved General Education course list to meet this requirement. A maximum of 8 credits from GI Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues may be used to fulfill General Education Elective credit. | 3-9 | |
Total Credits | 28-36 |
General Education AAS Degree Requirements
To be eligible for the Associate of Applied Sciences (AAS) degree, students must complete a minimum of 60 credits of college-level work. Of the 60 credits, a minimum of 18 credits must fulfill the College's General Education core requirements. The approved General Education courses appear on the following pages of this catalog. The distribution of the 18+ General Education core credits must include at least one course from each of the following categories: GB, GE, GAH, GL and GM. The remainder of the required General Education core credits may be selected from any of the approved General Education courses, except where specified by the student's particular program requirements.
Code | Title | Credits |
GAH | Arts/Humanities | |
Students must complete one 3-credit course according to the specific requirements of their program of study. | 3 | |
GB | Behavioral/Social Science | |
Students must complete 3 credits according to the specific requirements of their program of study. | 3 | |
GL | Biological/Physical Laboratory Science | |
Students must complete one 4-credit course according to the specific requirements of their program of study. | 4 | |
GE | English Composition | |
This requirement must be completed by all students within the first 24 credit hours of study. | 3 | |
GM | Mathematics | |
Students must complete one 3-4 credit course according to the specific requirements of their program of study. | 3-4 | |
General Education Electives | ||
Students may choose, according to the requirements specified by their particular program of study, any courses from GB, GAH, GI, GL, GM, or GS on the approved General Education course list to meet this requirement. A maximum of 8 credits from GI Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues may be used to fulfill General Education Elective credit. | 2 | |
Total Credits | 18-19 |
General Education Approved Course List
The following courses can be used to fulfill the General Education requirement for the AA, AS, AAT, and AAS degree.
Arts/Humanities Electives (GAH)
Note: For AA, AS, and AAT degrees students must choose two courses.
Code | Title | Credits |
ART 121 | Introduction to Drawing-Non-Majors (GAH) | 3 |
ART 122 | Color: Art, Science & Culture (GAH) | 3 |
ART 201 | History of Art-Ancient and Medieval (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ART 202 | History of Art-Renaissance to Modern (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ART 203 | Art and Architecture in the United States (GAH) | 3 |
ART 239 | Asian Art and Culture (GAH) | 3 |
ART 240 | Modern Art and Culture (GAH) | 3 |
CMST 210 | Group Communication and Leadership (GAH) | 3 |
DRAM 203 | Survey of World Drama (GAH) (D) | 3 |
DRAM 204 | Survey of Modern Drama (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ENG 201 | World Literature: 800 B.C. to 1600 A.D. (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ENG 202 | World Literature: 1600 A.D. to the Present (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ENG 203 | English Literature: Survey of English Literature I (GAH) | 3 |
ENG 204 | English Literature: Survey of English Literature II (GAH) | 3 |
ENG 205 | American Literature: Colonial Through the Civil War (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ENG 206 | American Literature: Late 19th and 20th Centuries (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ENG 207 | Perspectives in Humanities (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ENG 208 | Contemporary Humanities (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ENG 210 | Literature for Children and Adolescents (GAH)(D) | 3 |
ENG 214 | Great Writers: Lives and Works (GAH) | 3 |
ENG 215 | Multicultural Literature: The 20th Century (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ENG 219 | American Women Writers (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ENG 233 | African-American Literature (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ENG 234 | Ethnic American Literature (GAH) (D) | 3 |
ENG 237 | Literature to Film (GAH) | 3 |
FR 101 | Elementary French I (GAH) | 3 |
FR 102 | Elementary French II (GAH) | 3 |
GER 101 | Elementary German I (GAH) | 3 |
GER 102 | Elementary German II (GAH) | 3 |
HIST 103 | History of the United States I (GB) (GAH) (D) | 3 |
HIST 104 | History of the United States II (GB) (GAH) (D) | 3 |
HIST 207 | African-American History (GB) (GAH) (D) | 3 |
HUM 101 | Introduction to Digital Humanities (GAH) | 3 |
HUM 103 | Comics Art and Literature Survey (GAH) | 3 |
MC 105 | Introduction to Journalism (GAH) | 3 |
MC 206 | History of Film (GAH) | 3 |
MC 208 | Multimedia Journalism I (GAH) | 3 |
MUS 201 | The Art of Listening I (GAH) (D) | 3 |
MUS 202 | The Art of Listening II (GAH) (D) | 3 |
MUS 216 | World Music (GAH) (D) | 3 |
MUS 222 | Popular Music of the United States (GAH) (D) | 3 |
MUS 223 | Listening to Jazz (GAH) (D) | 3 |
PHIL 101 | Introduction to Philosophy (GAH) | 3 |
PHIL 200 | Principles of Logic (GAH) | 3 |
PHIL 205 | Ethics (GAH) | 3 |
PHIL 220 | Bioethics (GAH) | 3 |
PHIL 221 | Business Ethics (GAH) | 3 |
PHIL 222 | Environmental Ethics (GAH) | 3 |
PHIL 250 | Philosophy of Religion (GAH) | 3 |
PHOT 209 | The History of Photography (GAH) | 3 |
RELG 207 | Literature and Religious Thought of the Old Testament (GAH) | 3 |
RELG 208 | Literature and Religious Thought of the New Testament (GAH) | 3 |
RELG 210 | Comparative Religion (GAH) (D) | 3 |
SPAN 101 | Elementary Spanish I (GAH) | 3 |
SPAN 102 | Elementary Spanish II (GAH) | 3 |
SPAN 203 | Survey of Spanish Literature I (GAH) | 3 |
THEA 101 | Introduction to Theatre (GAH) | 3 |
THEA 106 | Script Analysis: From Page to Stage (GAH) | 3 |
VPA 201 | Visual and Performing Arts Survey (GAH) (D) | 3 |
Behavioral/Social Science Electives (GB)
Note: For AA, AS, and AAT degrees students must choose two courses.
Code | Title | Credits |
ANTH 101 | Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology (GB) (D) | 3 |
ANTH 102 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (GB) (D) | 3 |
ECON 101 | Macroeconomics (GB) | 3 |
ECON 102 | Microeconomics (GB) | 3 |
GEOG 101 | Physical Geography (GB) | 3 |
GEOG 102 | Human Geography (GB) (D) | 3 |
GEOG 103 | World Regional Geography (GB) (D) | 3 |
HIST 101 | History of Western Civilization I (GB) (D) | 3 |
HIST 102 | History of Western Civilization II (GB) (D) | 3 |
HIST 103 | History of the United States I (GB) (GAH) (D) | 3 |
HIST 104 | History of the United States II (GB) (GAH) (D) | 3 |
HIST 109 | World History I (GB) (D) | 3 |
HIST 110 | World History II (GB) (D) | 3 |
HIST 202 | The Twentieth Century World (GB) (D) | 3 |
HIST 207 | African-American History (GB) (GAH) (D) | 3 |
HLTH 203 | The U.S. Health Care System (GB) | 3 |
PL 101 | Introduction to Law (Same course as PS 106) (GB) | 3 |
PS 101 | American National Government (GB) | 3 |
PS 102 | State and Local Government (GB) | 3 |
PS 106 | Introduction to Law (Same course as PL 101) (GB) | 3 |
PS 201 | Introduction to International Relations (GB) | 3 |
PS 204 | Urban Government and Politics (GB) (D) | 3 |
PSY 101 | General Psychology (GB) | 3 |
SOC 101 | Introduction to Sociology (GB) (D) | 3 |
SOC 102 | Social Problems (GB) (D) | 3 |
SOC 201 | Marriage and the Family (GB) (D) | 3 |
SOC 212 | Race, Class & Gender in the United States (GB) (D) | 3 |
Biological/Physical Laboratory Science Electives (GL)
Code | Title | Credits |
ASTR 152 | Sky and Telescope Laboratory (GL) | 1 |
BIO 100 | Fundamentals of Biology (GL) | 4 |
BIO 110 | Introduction to Plant Sciences (GL) | 4 |
BIO 116 | Human Body in Health and Disease Laboratory (GL) | 1 |
BIO 119 | Biology for Health Professionals (GL) | 4 |
BIO 120 | General Biology I (GL) | 4 |
BIO 121 | General Biology II (GL) | 4 |
BIO 203 | Anatomy and Physiology I (GL) | 4 |
BIO 204 | Anatomy and Physiology II (GL) | 4 |
BIO 205 | Microbiology (GL) | 4 |
CHEM 100 | Chemistry for Changing Times (GL) | 4 |
CHEM 111 | General Chemistry I (GL) | 4 |
CHEM 112 | General Chemistry II A (GL) | 4 |
CHEM 114 | General Chemistry IIB (GL) | 4 |
ENV 112 | Environmental Science Laboratory (GL) | 1 |
ES 106 | Earth Science Laboratory (GL) | 1 |
ES 108 | General Meteorology (GL) | 4 |
FS 101 | Basic Forensic Science Laboratory (GL) | 1 |
PHYS 101 | Introductory Physics I (GL) | 4 |
PHYS 102 | Introductory Physics II (GL) | 4 |
PHYS 200 | General Physics I Lab (GL) | 1 |
PHYS 201 | General Physics I: Mechanics (GL) | 4 |
PHYS 204 | General Physics II: Heat, Electricity and Magnetism (GL) | 4 |
English Electives (GE)
Code | Title | Credits |
ENG 101 | English Composition (GE) | 3 |
Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues Electives (GI)
Code | Title | Credits |
ART 108 | Digital Media Culture (GI) | 3 |
BA 101 | Introduction to Business (GI) | 3 |
BA 140 | Introduction to Leadership (GI) | 3 |
CIS 102 | Introduction to Information Sciences (GI) | 3 |
CMST 101 | Speech Fundamentals (GI) | 3 |
CMST 105 | Interpersonal Communication (GI) (D) | 3 |
HLTH 101 | Contemporary Health Issues (GI) | 3 |
HLTH 103 | Personal Fitness and Wellness (GI) | 3 |
HLTH 104 | Environmental Health (GI) | 3 |
HLTH 106 | Nutrition for Personal Wellness (GI) | 3 |
ISS 105 | Intro to Cybersecurity (GI) | 3 |
MC 210 | Introduction to Social Media (GI) | 3 |
Mathematics Electives (GM)
Code | Title | Credits |
DSCI 102 | Introductory Statistics with Programming Applications (GM) | 4 |
MATH 101 | College Algebra (GM) | 3 |
MATH 102 | Contemporary Mathematics (GM) | 3 |
MATH 103 | Trigonometry (GM) | 3 |
MATH 109 | Precalculus Mathematics (GM) | 4 |
MATH 111 | Introduction to Finite Mathematics (GM) | 3 |
MATH 203 | Calculus I (GM) | 4 |
MATH 204 | Calculus II (GM) | 4 |
MATH 211 | Elements of Geometry (GM) | 4 |
MATH 212 | Calculus with Applications (GM) | 3 |
MATH 216 | Introduction to Statistics (GM) | 4 |
Biological/Physical Science Elective (GS)
Code | Title | Credits |
ASTR 151 | Introduction to Astronomy (GS) | 3 |
BIO 108 | Human Body in Health and Disease (GS) | 3 |
BIO 109 | Human Genetics (GS) | 3 |
BIO 210 | Nutrition (GS) | 3 |
ENV 111 | Introduction to Environmental Science (GS) | 3 |
ES 105 | Earth Science (GS) | 3 |
FS 100 | Basic Forensic Science (GS) | 3 |
PHYS 203 | General Physics: Mechanics and Particle Dynamics (GS) | 3 |
SCI 105 | Physical Science I (GS) | 3 |
For information on Non-General Education Course Options and Requirements, please see listings on the Academic Policies and Information page of the catalog