Academic Catalog

Criminal Justice (CJ)

CJ 101  Introduction to Criminal Justice  (3 credits)  
This course is an introduction to the criminal justice system from its ancient origins to reform in England and its present development in the United States. The course covers agencies involved in the administration of justice at all levels of government. Students are oriented to the purposes, requirements and opportunities in this field.
CJ 103  Introduction to Corrections  (3 credits)  
This course is a study of the treatment, security, custody and discipline of the convicted law violator. The course covers the development of correctional theory and practice, philosophical and social frameworks, the administrative function, community-based corrections, and the analysis of the correctional client.
CJ 104  Procedural Law and Evidence  (3 credits)  
The constitutional aspects of arrest, search and seizure are considered, together with interrogation and confession, self-incrimination and right to counsel. Students learn rules of evidence as they apply to law enforcement officers in the performance of their investigatory duties and their testimony in court.
CJ 109  Police Organization and Administration  (3 credits)  
The purpose and activities of the police component of the criminal justice system are examined. Included is an analysis of the following concepts, issues or problems: police organization and management; the functions of the police; the relationship of police operations to function, including patrol, investigation, traffic, juvenile service and special units; and the evaluation of police effectiveness, budgeting and utilization of resources. Requires CJ 101 or permission of instructor. This course is only offered in the spring semester.
Prerequisite(s): (CJ 101)
CJ 111  Principles of Criminal Law  (3 credits)  
The substantive law is discussed: how and why laws are created with emphasis on specific offenses against persons and property. Also covered: what constitutes a violation of the law and how police must satisfy the legal requirements imposed by the elements of the statutes so that the state may successfully prosecute a criminal case. Landmark U.S. Supreme Court and selected state court cases are studied.
CJ 112  Introduction to Crime Scene Technology  (3 credits)  
This course is an introduction to crime scene investigation techniques. Emphasis is placed on how to collect and preserve physical evidence, examine the evidence and record the crime scene.
CJ 201  Police-Community Relations  (3 credits)  
Social complexities and problems facing today's police officer are studied in light of the sociological factors operating in urban, suburban and rural areas. Also included are police community relations programs such as review boards and civil disorder control procedures.
CJ 207  Criminal Investigation  (3 credits)  
Topics include the fundamental principles and concepts of investigation, methods of investigation, search of the crime scene, and collection and preservation of evidence. Interviews and interrogations, sources of information, techniques of surveillance, stakeouts and raids are also included as are investigative techniques in specific crimes. Three lecture hours per week.
CJ 213  Criminology (same course as SOC 213)  (3 credits)  
Criminology is a sociological study of the causes of crime and the relationships between criminal behavior and various social factors such as age, sex, race, religion, socioeconomic status, etc. Included are studies of crime rates, white-collar crime and victimless crimes.
Prerequisite(s): SOC 101
CJ 214  Police Problems and Practices  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to analyze the traditional and contemporary issues and problems in the law enforcement community. Topics include such areas as police corruption, use of deadly force, computer crime, terrorism and other forms of criminal behavior.
CJ 215  Police Conduct  (3 credits)  
This course analyzes the decision-making process in criminal justice as it relates to discretion, due process, truthfulness, corruption and discrimination.
CJ 216  Terrorism  (3 credits)  
This course reviews the history, the current state of affairs, and the potential future of terrorism in the world. Students will become familiar with what terrorism and counter terrorism are and how our society and the individual are dealing with the threats.
CJ 283  Field Practicum in Criminal Justice  (3 credits)  
This is a program of supervised, on-the-job experience, selected in accordance with the career objective of the student. The goal of this course is to provide the student an opportunity to earn college credit for performing direct service to the community and simultaneously applying classroom learning to daily situations such as interviewing clients, collecting data, and working with public service workers in police departments, courts, juvenile service, states attorney's office, corrections, etc. Requires CJ 101 or permission of instructor. Nine classroom discussion hours, one hundred laboratory hours.
Prerequisite(s): (CJ 101)